LaJoy R. Spears 




PACR Role:

Full Project 3 Co-Investigator




Dr. LaJoy R. Spears is an assistant professor in the Department of Agricultural and Extension Education (AXED) at New Mexico State University. She also serves as the program development and evaluation specialist with the Cooperative Extension Service.

Uniquely positioned within the NMSU Cooperative Extension Service and AXED, she embraces the dual roles of evaluator and capacity builder by supporting Extension and other community educators across the evaluation continuum. Her approach emphasizes the use of evaluative information to ensure continuous program improvement while maximizing funding. Supporting teaching, research, and Extension, she enjoys linking agricultural and extension educators to larger community-based outreach and engagement opportunities. 

Dr. Spears earned her Ph.D. in agricultural and extension education with a specialization in curriculum and instructional technology from Iowa State University.