About the Outreach Core
The Outreach Core will work with community groups in areas where all people do not have a fair chance to get good health. Hispanics and American Indians, for example, have poorer health chances than other people. They live in the border areas of New Mexico (NM), Indian Country in the northwest part of NM, and the Yakima Valley of Washington (WA). We will try to reduce the uneven health experience that affects these communities by working with the communities themselves. Community members know the needs that are important to the people that live there. In this community approach, researchers and community members decide what activities are needed in their communities. We often ask community members to be a part of Community Advisory Boards (CABs) to help the Outreach Core plan activities and events. We work with communities to make sure the activities last over time. At the same time, community members learn about how science works so that future activities can be done and can be tested.
The Outreach Core has a number of different programs:
Community Health Education Activities

Both NM and WA give health education to people living in those states. Community Health Educators (CHEs) deliver tested activities to community members. These activities are approved by the Community Advisory Boards.
Community Health Education ActivitesYeego Gardening

This project aims to increase fruit and vegetable consumption among Navajo families through a school-based intervention program focused on gardening and healthy eating.
Yeego GardeningTaking Time to Connect

This study compares two education programs designed to help Hispanic mothers diagnosed with cancer and their children to cope with cancer. Research participants are needed - earn up $125!
Taking Time to ConnectExtension and Outreach

New Mexico State University works with the Cooperative Extensive Services to give online cancer education to employees. By doing online education, we hope to reach more community members in NM.
Extension and OutreachSmall Grants Program

Both NM and WA have a yearly grant-writing workshop to teach community members to write a grant application. The Outreach Core will then invite community groups to submit their applications for new projects that will decrease the risk of getting cancer. The best applications will receive money to do their projects.
Small Grants Program